Do you have FOPO? And what to do about it.

11 years ago. I remember standing up at the end of the conference room table and walking out, all eyes on me. I needed to take a deep breath in the midst of a heated conversation between me (as the Director of Marketing), our CEO and CTO. Our investors were in the room because we needed to pivot our SaaS technology based upon client feedback and the CEO was hell bent on executing on a vision that wasn't working. 

I took a lap around the office, trying to collect my thoughts and my courage to share what I actually thought rather than get bull dozed by the unflinching CEO who had his arms crossed in front of him, leaning back in his chair, smug, confident, nonplussed, eyes locked on mine waiting for my rebuttal. 

I came back in, and laid out a very specific client example, then recoiled right before I was about to share the ultimatum me and the CTO discussed. I was scared. I was scared of how our investors would perceive me if I was that direct, if a woman in her early 30s would stare down a late 40s CEO with several successful exits, and tell him he was wrong. 

Would I be ousted too? Would the startup community shun me? So I slumped, wanted to be seen as curious, non-confrontational, watching as the charismatic CEO danced in front of our investors, filling them with a false excitement. 

8 months later, after I snuck into our investors office alone and laid out my exit plan, the company crumbled, I had a baby and started Raw Strategy. 

I wasn't going to fold in front of CEO's anymore. I wanted to run my own ship where my people and my clients would never have to experience the stymied feeling of FOPO—fear of other people's opinions. I wanted to give people the tools to communicate with confidence because that's what I needed. I needed to trust myself, trust my ability to pull from my arsenal of experience and lay out my point clearly and effectively to get the outcome I was seeking.

A decade and 3 iterations of a business later, you see what I have today—The Raw Athlete and The Raw Leader, two of the most transformational communications programs for people who want to get rid of their own FOPO and focus on finding confidence in what matters to them, what matters to others and leave an impact on those they're trying to move. 

Is this you? Do you need help communicating in such a way that will help cement you as someone worth paying attention to? If you're a leader, an entrepreneur, or an athlete looking to take not just your story, but your communication strategies to the next level, and want to create an impact never before seen, I've got you. Snag a free session with me here, and we can dissect and reframe what your personal or business brand story is, and how to ladder that up to high-impact messages so we can get you on the road to creating your movement and your legacy, starting now.

xo, Lindsay


How to feel good about talking about… you.


Do you thrive on complexity?