The One Thing That Turns Everyone Into A Puddle

Everyone cries.

Every single person I’ve worked with one-on-one (minus a couple), and at least half of the people inside the groups I work with, cry or get choked up when we work together. Like, visibly weepy, crackly voice, apologetic type of cry.

It used to surprise me when someone's voice started to fracture under the weight of the emotion of their story. "Is it something I said?" I'd think. Now I've come to expect it—we're all emotionally defenseless in the face of a deeply felt experience.

But why? What are we talking about that makes hard-charging grown adults, strong women leaders, Olympic gold medalists, 100-mile ultra runners, knock-you-over-with-their-confidence entrepreneurs or seasoned CEO's turn into a puddle, padding their eyes with tissues, looking away so as to tuck their emotion into their shoulder...and just break down?

Life. Straight up, unwatered down, spicy, dicey, unexpected life. When that life gets examined and shared? Yeah, voices get choked up right quick.

It's an absolute truth that life will keep on delivering substantive lessons that are sometimes planned for and welcome, but are often a shock and an absolute drag to learn. And, it's my job to yank these lessons out of people because these lessons are dripping with potential for connection, and can also distinguish you from others.

These lessons, though often uncloaked during times of turmoil, are what make you, you. They are what frame your perspective, influence your decisions, and help you avoid hitting that same brick wall again and again.

And, if these lessons are packaged up, tied to a clear message, and shared with people you're looking to impact? Whewwww diggity will you start to turn heads.

Because, guess what? Nobody escapes life unscathed. And, when you take your armor off and share a story and a lesson, you expose yourself. But you expose yourself to allow other people to feel like they belong because they see you, and you see them.

That feeling of belonging is one of the most potent forms of connection, the power of which you should never underestimate.

It creates a gravitational pull toward you because people feel like their lives are better if they can be in your orbit, and use your lesson to avoid some sort of pain, get closer to a goal, or gain some sort of insight from it.

The question I ask, as the tears get wiped away, is: if you tell this story, what do you want people to walk away with knowing, thinking, feeling or doing? How will it change their lives for the better?

The answer to that becomes the cornerstone of your personal brand, your message, and your impact on others.

I know, this can feel heavy and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be…I can hold your hand so you walk away stronger, more confident, and like you can put your full weight behind your message and your story.

So, if you're ready to take your story to the next level, or simply need help figuring out what to share, how to share it, and when, hit me up for a free 20-minute chat and I can dish all the details!

xo, L


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